Cornell University College of Engineering photographs, 1870-1990.


Cornell University College of Engineering photographs, 1870-1990.

College of Engineering photographic negatives, ca. 1945-1965, unidentified; seven lantern slides of field trips, 1870-1900, identified; photographs of Physics Dept. apparatus, 1870s-1880s, identified; five glass negatives and photographs of the construction of the Hydraulic Laboratory; glass slides depicting College of Engineering equipment and facilities (1870-1900); and photographs of John McMullen with a McMullen Scholarship brochure and electrical engineering photos of equipment, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and Professor Victor Colby with his "EE Sculpture" that was installed in Phillips Hall. Includes carte-de-visite photographs of engineering students, 1888, 1893, 1898, 1900, and 1901.

20.8 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 7906502

Cornell University Library

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Cornell University (corporateBody)

McMullen, John, 1848-1921. (person)

Colby, Victor, 1917- (person)

Cornell University. College of Engineering (corporateBody)

In 1925, as part of the work of the University Plan Commission, the architectural firm of York and Sawyer proposed a new group of engineering buildings to replace East Sibley, Lincoln, and Franklin Halls. In 1937, Shreve, Lamb and Harmon again designed a cluster of new Engineering buildings for that site. In 1941, however, the university administration and trustees decided to relocate the Engineering College to its current location south of Barnes Hall and Sage College. Olin Hall incorporated so...